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Is It Easy to Get Rehired by Amazon

Amazon has structured policies when it comes to dealing with its employees. Different policies help in managing employees at different points of time. Whether you hire an employee or fire one, you need a policy. People who are working at Amazon or had worked on Amazon would clearly know this. When it comes to Amazon Rehire Policy, people who left Amazon and are wishing to join would be interested in it. Read this article completely as it elucidates the Amazon Rehire Policy. On another note, what is the raise you would be able to get when you reach the amazon tier 1 position.

What Is Amazon Rehire Policy in 2022?


  • 1 What Is Amazon Rehire Policy in 2022?
    • 1.1 Does Amazon Rehire Employee It Fired?
    • 1.2 Can an Amazon Employee Who Quit Without Notice Reapply?
    • 1.3 Will Amazon Rehire Employees Who Took Severance Pay?
    • 1.4 How Long Before an Employee Can Reapply for Amazon?
    • 1.5 Does All Amazon Facility Follow the Same Rehire Policy?
    • 1.6 Are Insubordinate Employees Always Fired Immediately?
    • 1.7 Whom Should I Contact if I Have Doubts Regarding the Amazon Rehire Policy?
    • 1.8 Why Was the Amazon Rehire Policy Drafted?
    • 1.9 What Are the Benefits of the Amazon Rehire Policy?
    • 1.10 Conclusion
  • 2 Frequently Asked Questions – Amazon Rehire Policy
Amazon Company

A former Amazon employee can reapply for a job on Amazon if he had resigned and has a good conduct history. These people will not have any problem unless they are marked for misconduct. However, the case of an Amazon employee who was terminated is worse. The probability of getting a chance to reapply is dim. Moreover, he would be automatically disqualified if he was given severance pay.

Does Amazon Rehire Employee It Fired?

Amazon Staff

Once an employee is fired, he/she becomes the least desired candidate by Amazon. Further, if an employee wishes to rejoin the company, it would depend on his employment history with Amazon. However, going by the rules, an employee who got fired becomes eligible for reapplying for a job at Amazon after one year of termination. Still, the chances of getting hired at Amazon depend on two factors. One, as I mentioned before, it is the employment history. The second one is the reason for termination. If the employee got fired for petty reasons such as misunderstanding with the seniors, small mistakes, and other alike stuff, the probability of getting hired again is high. However, if the person has been terminated for continuous lack of performance, dishonesty, or cheating, the chances of rehiring are low. Did you know walmart sells amazon gift cards? If you don't you should take a look at our post to find out more.

Can an Amazon Employee Who Quit Without Notice Reapply?

Amazon staff

The employee may not be allowed to reapply for a job position on Amazon if he had quit without submitting a formal notice. This kind of behavior is not tolerated by Amazon management. The management has all the right to demand a penalty fee from the employee. Additionally, such resignations can blacklist the employee. Therefore, the hopes of getting rehired are very less. Lastly, if anyone is working at Amazon currently, it is better to resign after giving notice as it would not affect your relationship with Amazon in the future.

Will Amazon Rehire Employees Who Took Severance Pay?

Amazon Warehouse

Amazon usually gives two options when it is terminating its employee. The employee can choose to stay in the company under the condition he takes a performance improvement course. The course is more about teaching work ethics. In another case, he/she can completely break all the ties with Amazon by selecting a severance package. In the case of the latter, it is the end of the journey for the employee with Amazon. The employee and Amazon can never intersect again. In other words, the employee cannot reapply for any job title in any Amazon company. In an odd case, if the employee was fired but didn't get the severance pay, he will be allowed to reapply. Again, it still depends on the history of the employee with the company.

How Long Before an Employee Can Reapply for Amazon?

It depends on how the employee became a former employee. Usually, it happens in two ways. One is when you quit willingly, while the another is the management terminates you. In the case of the former, if the employee quit the job and has no bad conduct, the employee will become eligible to reapply after 90 days of quitting the job. Interestingly, one could become eligible for applying again to Amazon on rare occasions given that you are in the good records of Amazon.

However, in the case of the latter, the person has to wait longer. How long? Well, at least one year. That is like 4 times longer. Even after applying, the possibilities are still low. If the employee feels the time gap for reapplying is more, there is another option. What is it? Well, the employee should contact the facility where he/she worked. If the facility is less strict, the management would reconsider the time for rejoining. Please note that the strictness varies from one facility to another.

Does All Amazon Facility Follow the Same Rehire Policy?

Amazon has a common rehire policy. However, does every Amazon facility stick to the policy by all means? Well, the answer to the question is no. In most cases, the Amazon rehire policy is partially followed. It depends upon the management of a particular facility. Sometimes, even though you are eligible for reapplying according to Amazon's rehire policy, there are chances of rejection by the facility. Similarly, the Amazon facility may consider your application even though you are not eligible for it, as per the Amazon rehire policy. If the employee is lucky enough to have a lenient manager at the facility he worked, he can easily get through the process of rehiring.

Are Insubordinate Employees Always Fired Immediately?

No. We earlier discussed how Amazon considers the reason for termination seriously. However, it doesn't give up on its employees easily. When the management has enough reasons to fire an employee, it would provide the employee a second chance. A chance to retain their job at Amazon. For that, the employee has to take a work performance course. The course would teach about the work ethic and attitude that should be followed while working at Amazon. However, if the employee refuses to take the course, he/she will be terminated immediately with severance pay.

In my opinion, taking the work performance course would be beneficial for both the employee. On one hand, it is getting the person his job back. As far as the company is concerned, they are avoiding the wastage of time, money, and stress the company has to face for hiring a new employee. Both hiring and rehiring are lengthy processes. Hence, it requires time and man force who could deal with applicants and applications. Hence, the company allocates a huge sum of money for hiring and rehiring. Here is a look at one more article about Amazon Prime late deliveries and why these issues occur.

Whom Should I Contact if I Have Doubts Regarding the Amazon Rehire Policy?

Even though I have given a good amount of information about the Amazon rehire policy, I don't think it would be sufficient. Despite thoroughly reading the policy of any particular company, I would still end with certain questions or doubts. Hence, in order to get more clarity, it is better to contact people who know the ins and outs of the company's policy. They would have dealt with complicated cases in the past. As a result, these people can give you more insights. The guys who do this Job at Amazon are the Human Resource department of Amazon. This department is responsible for managing the human resource of the company. They are responsible for the firing, hiring, and rehiring of the employees.

Why Was the Amazon Rehire Policy Drafted?

Sometimes, reading and dealing with the policy of any organization can be a headache. Amazon is no exception. However, it is necessary for a better understanding between the two parties. In the case of Amazon's rehire policy, it is the former Amazon employees and the Amazon organization. The main reason why Amazon created this policy was to facilitate hiring its former employees. The employees who left the organization would be of two types. One who voluntarily left and the other who was fired. These people should be classified when they are applying for the job again. The classification is possible due to the rehire policy. It will increase the efficiency of the hiring process and prevents hiring the wrong candidate again.

What Are the Benefits of the Amazon Rehire Policy?

It is beneficial to both the former employee and the Amazon company. The former employee would get to know if he is eligible for reapplying, when could he rejoin, and many other things. Similarly, the rehire policy helps in filtering the applicants before they could apply. Additionally, it helps to manage the relationship with the former employee. As a whole, it is mutually beneficial.


The rehiring process is more complicated than the hiring process. This is because the company has to be more careful when hiring employees who already worked at the company. When you are freshly roping in some human resources, they are totally new to the company. The company can guide them to adapt to other co-workers. However, this is not the case with hiring former employees. Since they already have feelings about their co-workers, he/she may behave differently after getting hired. In this article, I have explained Amazon's rehire policy and answered related questions as well. I hope the information presented in the article was useful. Thank you for reading. Finally, please take a closer look at our post about Amazon's UTP Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions – Amazon Rehire Policy

1. When Can I apply for Amazon again after voluntarily quitting the job?

Generally, you have to wait for around 90 days. However, this may vary depending on your employment history with Amazon company.

2. Will Amazon provide any chance before it fires me from my job?

Yes. In order to retain your job at Amazon, you have to take a course on work ethics.

3. Who is responsible for hiring and rehiring candidates at Amazon?

The human resource department of Amazon is responsible for both hiring and rehiring.
